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Training of second party auditors (supplier auditing)

Secund party audits are audits performed by the customer at suppliers. In such audits, pre-trained auditors are sent to assess the suppliers’ ability to deliver the desired products and / or services on agreed terms, both now and in the future. The content of such audits may address the requirements of management system standards, but they are generally tailor-made audits that focus on issues relevant to the entity.

Many international standards (including IATF 16949) require such audits to be performed, but audits of suppliers are also performed without the requirements of the standard. It is important to confirm whether it is possible to develop long-term partnerships with selected suppliers and, if necessary, to identify areas for development and to find appropriate solutions together.

As another organization needs to be audited, good praparation and training of auditors is important. That is why we have prepared special training for suppliers’ auditors. Many standards require thorough training of auditors.


The aim of the training is to provide participants with a clear and practical overview of how to prepare for audits of suppliers, conduct audits, evaluate and document the results obtained.


Jussi Onoper

Chairman of the board of OÜ TJO Konsultatsioonid, managment conusltant and trainer with over 20 years of experience. ILM/SFEDI Accredited Business Support Professional. Jussi has advised over 100 different organisations in the fields of management systems, strategy and raising efficiency (lean projects, lean daily management lean 6 sigma projects etc).

Miks valida partneriks TJO Konsultatsioonid?

  • üle 20 aasta praktilist kogemust kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemide arendamise ja juurutamise nõustamisel.
  • üle 300 organisatsiooni erinevatest tegevusvaldkondadest on kasutanud meie abi;
  • oleme kujunenud Eestis kvaliteedijuhtimise ja juhtimissüsteemide arendamise valdkonnas juhtivaks kompetentsikeskuseks;

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