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Short seminar: Introduction to LEAN production

We conduct short introductory seminars to managerial level desicion makers of prodcution companies about basics of LEAN thinking and different LEAN techniques.

Invest few hours to find how LEAN can help your organisation to become more efficient.

Detailed description of this training course is currently not available in English. Please contact us for more information.


Urmas Ruubel

Urmas is a leading expert in field of LEAN and production management. He has over 20 years of practical expreience as a production manager from different companies, with  in depth knowldege about metal industry, wooden products, paper and packaging industry. Urmas became consultant in 2014 and has ever since advised many companies from different fields. Urmas´s main role is to help production companies to become more efficient by deploying LEAN thinking and implementing different LEAN techniques (5S, SMED, kanban, kaizen etc).

Why partner with us?

  • over 20 years of experience in training managers and specialists;
  • our trainers have extensive practical experience in quality and production managment;
  • wide range of services and trainings: management systems, LEAN/efficiency and strategy development;
  • modern training centre in Tallinn;
  • we work in English, Estonian and Russian;

Got questions? Interested in this training at another time and place? Contact us!

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